This can, at best, be described as an irregular blog.  My blogging is, these days predominantly adhoc and is usually filed under Mhor Skye Musings.  These musings contain images around where I live on the Sleat Peninsular and also the rest of the Isle of Skye. I still occasionally blog about some of my event photography or Landscape/Wildlife when my travels generate a suitable tale to tell and I find time to recount it.

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Underwater Photography – Reflections

Underwater photography around the Isle of Skye – Reflections. Below the Skye Line is a joint project between photographer/diver, Gill Williams, and photographer/non-diver, Geraint Ashton Jones.  We both live on Skye, both love the environment and both wanted to capture … Read More

HMS Oardacious – Lab Testing

I was recently afforded the opportunity to accompany Hugo Mitchell-Heggs and Dylan Woods to the Institute of Naval Medicine where they were to conduct sub-maximal testing under the supervision of Dr Fran Gunner. The testing was part of their pre reace preparations before they take on the Talisker Whisky Atalntic Challenge, a row across the Atlantic later in the year as part of a four man team all made up of submariners from the Royal Navy.

The Spirit of Ladysmith Lives On

When HMS Terrible and HMS Powerful landed their guns to help the besieged British Army at Ladysmith during the Boer War two modern day legacies were born. The first was Naval Field Gun which nurtured so many matelots with the … Read More