If your parents choose to nest on a sea wall it is best to keep you’re head down when they frequently fly off to distract the regular walkers who pass by.
Anyone walking along a particular stretch of sea wall in Sleat will soon realise how piercing an Oyster Catcher’s call can be. Having nested on the sea wall the parents now regularly deploy their full range of diversion tactics, including their full cacophony of high pitched calls, to distract walkers.And this little fellow is the reason why. With a number of Oyster Catchers raising young on the skerries just off shore this one has to make do with some crumbling concrete on the top of the low sea wall.With the walkers passed one of the parents soon returns to check on the chick. Though there are still a couple of weeks to go it will be interesting to see if they are able to fully fledge their youngster.
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