Aird in Bloom! It has been an excellent year for the bluebells across Sleat. Normally their impact is hidden as they grow amongst the bracken or within more wooded areas but on this croft where the bracken has only recently been cleared their dense covering provides a vivid carpet of colour on the hillside.
The poet Tennyson believed that the bluebell represented solitude but unfortunately we disturbed the solitude of these three who were busily munching some lush grass to be found amongst the plants.
The air was full of the scent of the bluebells which at Aird is not masked by the abundance of wild garlic that grows amongst the bluebells growing in the shadier, woodland spots around Clan Donald. Instead they remain unchallenged on the open hillside – at least for a couple more weeks.
One Response
Absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing this beautiful sight. I can almost smell them.