This week is Junior Leaders Field Gun week at HMS Collingwood. Teaams from local colleges, naval and air force establishments, sea and army cadets alongside apprentices from BAE Systems and tournament sponsors Network Rail compete with Field Gun equipment and come together as a team over the course of the week.
Chichester College
After four days of training the teams will tomorrow run two timed heats before finding out which final they will run in. Below I have posted a selection of images from Thursday’s training. Many of the images have been taken by students/apprentices from the teams using Alligin Photography equipment and I hope you agree they have captured some excellent moments.
Getting the message across. No 1 of Chichester College. Image by Chichester CollegeChichester College at the first button up. Image by Chichester CollegeNetwork Rail unlimber after the first action. Image by Network RailNetwork Rail gun team waiting for the limber after the second action. Image by Network Rail
Debrief in the shade to get away from the heat of the track. Image by Network Rail.Portsmouth College in full flight. Image by Network RailSea Cadets in good spirits. Image by Network RailPrinces Trust (Highbury College) laying the kit out before the run. Image by Princes Trust (Highbury College)Princes Trust (Highbury College) unlinber after the first action. Image by Prices Trust (Highbury College)
RAF Cosford running member looks to get his breath back after a hard run. Image by Prices Trust (Highbury College)
Back of the box for the Army Cadets working hard on the run home.Sucking in the air during a slow walk back to the line. Army CadetsHMS Collingwood (Victory Squadron) cross the line.Getting amongst the gear to brake after the line has been crossed. Image by Prices Trust (Highbury College)Camaraderie. HMS Collingwood (Victory Squadron)Network Rail – the final debrief
and finally my favourite, again taken by a member of the Princes Trust (Highbury College) crew
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