Textures of Sleat

Looking across the Sleat Peninsular towards the Cullin

Bitterly cold easterly winds at the moment but slowly the countryside is beginning to come alive though few flowers out yet apart from the early hardy daffodils.A leisurely stroll yesterday through the woods and along the shore near Castle Donald uncovered some useful textures that caught Tania’s attention for knitting patterns.

Tania was taken by the symmetry of the line with both the bark and the fungus on this rotting stump.
I simply saw an elephant’s foot!

There wasn’t much on the foreshore as most of the birds were keeping out of the wind. However a pair of oystercatchers caught our eye.

On the ground they are quite drab in the body and it is the bright orange beak and red eyes that catch the attention, along with a very high pitch call.
However in flight they give a fascinating strobe effect caused by the more delicate feather pattern that they keep hidden most of the time.



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